Maneuvers Estimation And Pdf Report

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To get an estimation of the occured maneuvers, it is only necessary to initialize [PATRIUS dataset] and a list of TLE as shown here and below . Anyway, it is also recommended to load a configuration properties file as shown below and here, at least to well initialize internal OPERA data.

// Patrius Dataset initialization (needed for example to get the UTC time)
// Opera properties configuration
final OperaConfigurationProperties conf = OperaReadUtils.getConfigurationProperties("data/");
// TLEs initialization
final int noradId = 10479;
final SortedSet<TLE> tlesSet = OperaTleManager.readTLEs("data/tles", noradId);

Moreover, these TLE will be stored in OperaTLESeries then OperaTLEManoeuvres objects:

final OperaTLESeries tleSeries = new OperaTLESeries(tles);
final OperaTLEManoeuvres tleForMan = new OperaTLEManoeuvres(tleSeries);

Then, the computation of the estimated maneuvers will be done thanks to calling the estimateLEOManoeuvers() method of this OperaTLEManoeuvres object:

// Maneuvers estimation
final OperaLEOManoeuvers manInfo = tleForMan.estimateLEOManoeuvers();

Some getters will be available to obtain results as in the example below ...

final int manNum = manInfo.getDgaManoeuvers().size();
System.out.println("Amount of maneuvers: " + manNum);
for (int iMan = 0; iMan < manInfo.getSmaManoeuversDates().size(); iMan++) {
    System.out.println("Maneuver #"+iMan);
    System.out.println("   maneuver date: " + OperaDateManager.cnesJulianDate2AbsoluteDate(manInfo.getSmaManoeuversDates().get(iMan)));
    System.out.println("   maneuver dga:  " + manInfo.getDgaManoeuvers().get(iMan).getSma() + " m");

At last, it will be also possible to generate automatically a PDF report as this:

// Pdf generation
final String path = tleForMan.buildLEOManReport(noradId, conf);
System.out.println("Pdf report generated at " + path);