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To run OPERA in "Batch mode" or "Command Line Interface Mode" you need to type the following commands in the command prompt:

>> java -jar opera-xxx-jar-with-dependencies.jar + arguments...

If you want some help about all these arguments, you may type:

>> java -jar opera-xxx-jar-with-dependencies.jar -h


>> java -jar opera-xxx-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help

The following options are listed below ...

Not mandatory options

  • -h or --help: opera app configuration help [No Args]
  • -v or --verbose: verbose [No Args]
  • -p or --progress : progress mode to activate gui progress bar [No Args]
  • -o or --output: save outputs in file[No Args]

Mandatory if no XML context file as option

  • -c or --config: opera app configuration properties [Mandatory][1 argument] (see here for more explanation about this kind of file)
  • -t or --result: result type : REENTRY/SM_ESTIMATION/MANOEUVERS/REPORT/SEARCH [Mandatory][ 1 argument]
  • -i or --ids: Norad Id List [Mandatory] [No args number limit]

Then, except if the result argument is SEARCH:

  • -d or --duration: duration of process in days [Mandatory][1 argument]
  • -e or --endcjd: end of History in CNES Julian date (or calendar format since V7.2.2) [Mandatory][1 argument]
  • -m or --mergeMethod: solar activity merge method (END_OF_REAL_FILE or MERGE_DATE) [Mandatory][1 argument if END_OF_REAL_FILE, 2 arguments else with the last one, the merge date in CNES Julian date (or calendar format since V7.2.2)]

Here is an example of such a call:

 >> java -jar opera-xxx-jar-with-dependencies.jar --config OPERA_DATA/work/ --result REENTRY --endcjd 22607.00039351852 --duration 100 --ids 10479 10582 --mergeMethod END_OF_REAL_FILE --verbose --output --progress

It is also possible, rather than to give directly Norad Ids, to use serching funtions as with the GUI mode. Two possibilities are available:

Search by Sat

In that case, the --ids option will be followed by BYSAT then at least one of these criteriae to filter the Norad Ids (order is not important):

  • NORADID=pattern; by default "*"
  • COSPARID=pattern; by default "*"
  • COUNTRY=pattern; by default "*"
  • NAME=pattern; by default "*"
  • SIZE=list of sizes between UNKNOWN, SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE (separated by ","); by default the four options
  • NMAX= maximum amount of results; by default 1000

Here is an example of such a call:

  >> java -jar opera-xxx-jar-with-dependencies.jar --config OPERA_DATA/work/ --result REENTRY --endcjd 22607.00039351852 -duration 100 --ids BYSAT NORADID=*479 COUNTRY=US NAME=DEL* SIZE=SMALL,MEDIUM DECAY=REENTERED --mergeMethod END_OF_REAL_FILE --verbose";

Search by Orbital criteria

In that case, the --ids option will be followed by BYORB then at at least one of these criteriae to filter the Norad Ids:

  • DMIN=value (by default 0.) → minimum 1950 Julian date for searching Norad Ids in the (see here)
  • DMAX=value (by default current date) → maximum 1950 Julian date for searching Norad Ids in the (see here)

  • I=[true/false]; if true we may add:
    • IDEG=[true/false] (by default false) → values expressed in degree if true
    • IMIN=value (by default 0.) → minimum inclination
    • IMAX=value (by default 0.) → maximum inclination

  • AE=[true/false] (by default false) → if true, it means that we will work on (semi-major axis/eccentricity) couple rather than (apogee/perigee altitudes). Then, we may add:

  • A=[true/false]; if true we may add:
    • AKM=[true/false] (by default false) → values expressed in km if true
    • AMIN=value (by default 0.) → minimum semi-major axis
    • AMAX=value (by default 0.) → maximum semi-major axis
  • E=[true/false]; if true we may add:
    • EMIN=value (by default 0.) → minimum eccentricity
    • EMAX=value (by default 0.) → maximum eccentricity

  • HA=[true/false]; if true we may add:
    • HAKM=[true/false] (by default false) → values expressed in km if true
    • HAMIN=value (by default 0.) → minimum apogee altitude
    • HAMAX=value (by default 0.) → maximum apogee altitude
  • HP=[true/false]; if true we may add:
    • HPKM=[true/false] (by default false) → values expressed in km if true
    • HPMIN=value (by default 0.) → minimum perigee altitude
    • HPMAX=value (by default 0.) → maximum perigee altitude

And, as for the BYSAT option, we have:

  • NMAX= maximum amount of results; by default 1000

Here is an example of such a call:

 >> java -jar opera-xxx-jar-with-dependencies.jar --config OPERA_DATA/work/ --result REENTRY --endcjd 23062 -duration 100 --ids BYORB I=true IMIN=2. IMAX=3. AE=false HP=true HPMIN=260. HPMAX=265. HA=true HAMIN=33200. HAMAX=33300. --mergeMethod END_OF_REAL_FILE --verbose

Search by both criteriae

It is possible to combine both citeriae using thje BYSATORB option.

>> java -jar opera-xxx-jar-with-dependencies.jar --config OPERA_DATA/work/ --result SEARCH --ids BYSATORB HP=true HPKM=true HPMIN=150. HPMAX=250. DECAY=INORBIT NMAX=100 --verbose

Mandatory if there is a XML file as option

  • -x or --xml: opera XML context file [Mandatory][1 Arg(s)]

Such a XML file may be obtained using the GUI (Save Context ...).

Here is an example of such a call:

 >> java -jar opera-xxx-jar-with-dependencies.jar --xml data/OPE_test.xml

Moreover, it is possible to use the --config (or -c) option to define which opera app configuration properties to use:

 >> java -jar opera-xxx-jar-with-dependencies.jar --config ./ --xml data/OPE_test.xml

Particular case of the synthesis option

To obtain a "synthesis" file, it is possible to call OPERA using the -s or --synthesis option. Just after this option, the user will have to give a list of basic csv or xlsx files previously created by OPERA then, at last, the name of this synthesis file:

Here is an example of such a call:

 >> java -jar opera-xxx-jar-with-dependencies.jar -s result/Run1.xlsx result/Run2.xlsx result/Run3.xlsx result/Synthesis.xlsx -v